With so many educators faced with challenges throughout 2020, needed support is still evident as we begin a new year. The rapid shift to adopting different modalities of teaching, such as virtual and hybrid instruction, has created a huge demand for the use of technology and support for implementing technology into instruction. And there are various scenarios on how we obtain and are provided with support. Sometimes we leverage the internet and instructional how-to videos on our own. There are some educators that may have some type of direct support via their campus or school district like trainings, a technology coach, or instructional specialist. Then there are some educators who feel they are out of their comfort zone with integrating technology and others who just want to invest time in enhancing their instructional practice and will seek out opportunities for further development.

Opportunities for professional development (PD) provide educators with tools and resources to support their instructional practices. However, we often find ourselves overwhelmed with information and the implementation of new knowledge may sometimes get put on the “back burner” for other priorities or needs that often take precedent. Also, often educators may not always have time during the course of a their work week to digest new information or attend these sit and get trainings where the time to experience the productive struggle, of learning how to leverage technology, typically happens after the PD and followed by many questions.

To create more opportunities to support educators, #TechItUp is hosting 1st Saturday Tech Workshops, a professional development where participants engage in the work and develop their technology skills and pedagogy. Theses workshops are NOT designed to be “Sit and Get” learning opportunities where you would only listen to a presentation. The purpose of these sessions are to support educators in working through the productive struggle of understanding how to leverage technology to support their instructional practice. As educators, we all know that the application of learning is important for processing and understanding.

Join us at the next 1st Saturday Tech Workshop and further develop your technology knowledge and skills to support your instructional practice. There is limited space due to the nature of the workshop.

Upcoming Sessions

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